A Good, Ole Fashioned Cuss Out (and one caveat)
Hillary, Hillary, Hillary... With your most recent gaff, you have successfully obliterated any prospect for a graceful exit. Your parting gift? A good ole fashioned cuss out, courtesy of Keith Olbermann.
Yes, the dramatic turns from camera to camera give me entirely too much. But, let's be clear -- this is public theatre. And theatre not to be missed.
My only qualm is this: "this nation's deepest shame, its most enduring horror, its morst terrifying legacy is political assassination".
Really, Keith? REALLY? The thousands upon thousands of enslaved Africans that lost their lives to slavery and the Middle Passage take second place to the 14 or so men that you name in your rant? Really?
Call it niggling, but methinks one really should take greater care when dolling out superlatives for the nation's "deepest shame," 'cause it strikes me that the idiom of "enduring horror" and "terrifying legacy" invokes for many Americans a system much more sinister than political assassination.